Come with me back to September of this year...
Jon and I had the privilege of volunteering with the Baptist Mens Association to assist with the tornado relief efforts. I had no idea what this day would entail, but I was eagerly ready to help. Jon and I, along with some of our friends from Richland Creek joined forces with some people from Mt Vernon (under the direction of my father-in-law) and we headed to Kinston, NC. We spent the day raking leaves, pulling limbs and doing whatever was needed to help these appreciative families whose homes and yards had been devastated by the tornadoes. I don't feel I can effectively put into words how full it made my heart to be a part of this. It was amazing.
Here are some pictures from that day:
Starting the day off in prayer
A huge mess in one of the yards
This was on the land of one of the local churches
Our team with one of the ladies we helped. She gave us a bag full of hand made toboggans and dish cloths to split amongst us. I will treasure it forever.
Fast forward to November...
Jon and I learned about a home makeover project in the triangle for a family where both of the parents were blind and the couple had a daughter with Down syndrome and as well as a typically developing son. When I first read the story, I immediately knew we wanted to help. My heart broke for this family and all I could think about was the son who has probably been left to take care of his sister and his parents all these years. What a great responsibility. You can read the story here:
I contacted the project manager at Designed to Care (awesome organization by the way!) and asked how I could help. She asked me to form a team of volunteers for the project, so I did. Though the volunteer response wasn't what I had hoped for, we had a few people that were able to go. Jon, his dad and our friend Jeff went on that Friday and worked VERY hard and helped make a lot of progress (I ended up having to sit this one out unfortunately). I am forever grateful of how they were so giving of their time and strength. When Jon came home and told me the stories from the day, my heart wept. I was so happy for the new beginning this family would have and so thankful that my awesome husband was so touched by what God had laid before him that day. We decided we wanted to attend the reveal of the house on Sunday so Jon, Drew and I went. I am glad Drew was able to be there with us. (He was too young to assist with the work)
Here are some pictures from that day:

Before shot of the house

After :)

Before shot of the kitchen
After!!! WOW!!!

This was one of the kids bedroom
After! I was so happy to see this boys room made perfect, just the way he deserves it!
Living Room after
Jon and their son Van. This boy was SOOOO happy with the makeover!!! He seemed like such a good kid.
Jon and Mr. and Mrs. McLean. They thanked him over and over for doing "God's work" :)
Again, being a part of God's work is so rewarding. Jon, I am so proud of you for having a hand in this and for your willing, giving spirit. Thank you.
This past Sunday...
Drew and I had the opportunity to participate in Operation Christmas Child. You can read about what it is here: My awesome friends Allyson and Aaron are in charge of the missions for our small group. They hosted our shoebox wrapping for OCC at their house. That afternoon, I took Drew to the store and had him pick out the toys he wanted to include in the basket. I explained to him that the child receiving this has nothing at all most likely. He chose some wonderful gifts for a boy age 5-9. I was so proud of him!
Here is our shoebox:
A proud Drew with his box :)
The card Drew included with his box
The finished product!
I am so thankful for these opportunities for Drew to see how we can show God's love to others. He was excited to be a part of this and I was so proud of him!
So you see, God has really changed my heart. Looking back, I think in the past I had this preconceived notion that "mission work"meant you had to uproot your family and move overseas. That is simply not true Eleanor! While I know there are tons of people who are called to do this, I am so thankful for local opportunities where we can serve for those of us that want to stay here. :) I am also very thankful for those who are called to do this work full time wherever that may be. God has a plan for everyone.
Our family has an opportunity to go on a mission trip to Honduras next year. This would obviously be a huge thing for us and many factors would have to fall into place for this to happen. Please pray for God to show me clear direction on whether or not this is something we are ready for.
So often we as humans aren't accepting of change. This is actually one of my personal struggles. At the beginning of this post I said "I had no idea how God would change my heart" and boy has he. I am so excited to see what other things he has in store for me!!!