Well here we are, one year later at yet another crossroads regarding Emma's school situation. What an annual pain this is becoming . How can I forsee what the best fit for her will be for the upcoming year? So much can change in a year. It is a very hard decision. I never thought I would have to be such an advocate and do all the research on my on...but I have taken on that role with pride and eagerness to find the best there is for my sweet Emma. I will never understand why things have to be this difficult for an already difficult situation. A lot of other parents who have children with special needs, join us in this exhausting journey as well. It has been my hearts desire for quite some time, to have a school designed solely for children with special needs K-12th grade. How amazing would this be??? I know it can happen with the right resources, but until then I have to explore other options.
Last year at this time, it was between a CCK class (a self contained kindergarten class for children w/ special needs, 10 students, 3 teachers) verses mainstreaming her in a regular kindergarten class (28 students, 1 teacher, 1 assistant) and having her pulled out for resource (small group setting for academics with a teacher certified in special ed). After much debate, we went with the CCK class. I think that has been a good fit for Emma but now...another crossroads. She HAS to go to 1st grade because we already held her back for kindergarten once. So, do we continue to put her in a SCC (self-contained class) or attempt mainstreaming for the first time??? Academically, she is far from ready for 1st grade work, but she could certainly participate in simple activities such as circle time, specials, lunch, PE etc.
We visited the SCC at Sanford Creek (in Rolesville) and met with the teacher. There, she would be in a kindergarten thru 2nd grade class. 10 students with 3 teachers. I have a good feeling about this class. I think it will be a good fit for Emma, but we want to also explore the mainstream option as well. Again, so hard to know what to do. She attends Durant Elementary now, but they don't offer any self contained classes after the CCK class, so... #1 she would have to be mainstreamed there and #2 we would have to apply for a transfer just to keep her there. Decision, decisions.
Her IEP (individual education plan determined by an entire team of teachers, specialists, therapists and Jon and I) will be sometime next month. I am eager to have that because I think her current teacher will have some valuable input to help with our decision making. Until then, I will continue researching and be in prayer about the direction for Emma.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Hi Eleanor, Way to go getting your blog up and running. I'm learning a ton this week just getting mine going so it's been a little time consuming so far. :( Otherwise, I love it!! Can't wait to keep up with your sweet family through your posts!!!
I know the tremendous amount of thought and prayer that you put into these decisions and I know you will make the best decision in the end. I think Emma will benefit with either class, but mainstreaming might give her the push she needs. Would she still get 2 hrs of resource a day if she is mainstreamed for 1st grade? Let me know if you need any extra support at the IEP meeting. Miss all of you!