The good, the bad and the funny.
The Good Things-
I had two wonderful nights out last week! The first one, I was finally able to sit down with my dear friend Suzanne and have dinner. We talked and laughed. I love how we always pick up right where we left off, no matter how much time has gone by. We missed you Hazlette. It never feels the same without you there :(. Suzanne was able to come see our new house after we had dinner and even brought me a housewarming gift, which I love! Love you Suzanne! My second night out was a mom’s night out with the Triangle Down Syndrome Network. It was a fun evening, with yummy food and great company. I am so thankful for my TDSN friends, as we all share a common bond that only we can truly understand. When I am with them, there is a level of comfortability that I can’t explain.
Drew had school baseball tryouts last weekend and on Monday night we found out that he made the varsity team! He was very excited (he did not make the school basketball team this year, though he made it to the final cut so he was nervous about trying out). One of the neatest things is that his cousin Chase made the team too so the boys will be playing together for one last time before going to different high schools. Did I really just say high school? Uck…
After an off and on two month battle with Verizon, I finally have a new cell phone in route to my house! I am very excited and of course proud to share it cost me $0.00. In addition for my “troubles” they issued me a $35 credit on my bill. Woo hoo!
I am happy to report that Emma’s transition to the new house has been seamless. She has done beautifully. Some may remember when we moved to the apartment she was quite out of sorts and struggled in every area of her life for a while. I’ve been praying for her and it means the world to me to see her happy and adjusting so well.
Jon and I have this little favorite pastime of renting whole seasons if certain shows we haven’t seen before and watching the episodes back to back to back. We did this with 24, Alias, The Shield and our newest one that Jon picked out is Fringe. We have only watched 2 episodes (that had a few graphic parts which didn’t settle with my “sensitive to graphic movies” stomach) but, Jon tells me the scenes to “close my eyes” at and it’s all good! So far, I likey.
I realized this morning that I had not looked at Drew’s grades in the computer in quite a few weeks. It is something I typically check every couple of days but nothing has been all that normal since our move. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my boy currently has straight A’s right now. Go Drew!
I felt sooooo revived when I went to Lowe’s to use coupons this week. It has been a while. I purchased $56 of groceries and paid $5. Yes, I’m backkkkkkkk.
I have been cooking more lately than ever! I love it. I really do. It can however, be an exhausting task. I joked that I need to move my bed into my kitchen since that is where I spend the majority of my time these days. Hey, I have one happy, well fed family though!
I pulled out my camera and grabbed some quick shots of my kids playing on the porch one day. I love both things- photography and watching my kids play and interact. Those moments are priceless and don’t think that I took one minute of it for granted.
Finally, I was able to blog! That is definitely a good week :)
The Bad Things-
I am participating in a new Bible study (this is NOT the bad thing, lol) and our first class was canceled due to the ice. Bummer!
Almost one month later, we still don’t have our new furniture that we ordered in December. I’m sooo ready to get everything in its final place.
Not going to dwell on this too much yet, but we have a lot of “school things” on the horizon with Emma. Soon, she will begin testing for her 8 year old evaluation where they test her IQ level and change her “label” for school and placement purposes. Then we will have her IEP and I already don’t have a good feeling about things. I am like a bear hibernating right now, but I am working a covert operation, getting all my soldiers ready for war!
I LOVE how my bad list is so much shorter :):):)
The Funny Things-
Drew told me that I dress like an art teacher a lot of the time. Now, I have no problem with what an art teacher may or may not wear, but for some reason this struck my funny and concerning all at the same time. Then I was reminded that my mom has signed me up for What Not To Wear on more than one occasion. Sigh.
Emma discovered the word “parents” this week. I believe she overheard me ask Drew if his friend’s parents were going to be home when he asked to go to their house. She ran with the word and kept saying “my parents?” I told her “Daddy and mommy are your parents” to which she replied “Nah, that’s ok. (and waved me off with her hand). Me need different parents.” Um, sweet Emma, you have so much to learn and you are too cute and funny! You’re stuck with us girl!
Elmo face. Let me tell you, Drew has discovered he can do a really good Elmo impersonation. Emma thinks it is the funniest thing in the world. I have never, ever heard her laugh as hard as she did in the car the other day when Drew did it. I was on the phone and had to hang up because she was laughing so hard. I loved it!
I had a welcome greeting from a 7 year old boy on our street. This is how it went... I was walking through the dining room and saw a face smashed up against the glass panes around the front door, with little eyes peeking in my house. Kinda weird. Was he scouting out my house for a break in? I thought he was the youngest robber I had ever met! I went to the door, opened it, said hello and the little voice said " My name is Arsh and I am allowed to go into people's houses to play." Well, alrighty then...
My dad bought my mom an IPOD for her birthday. I thought I knew the definition of the word obsessed, but she takes it to a whole nother’ level. I don’t think there is a human on earth that loves their IPOD as much as Cathy Upton does. I have a feeling that within a year she will be the first inductee into “IPOD Anonymous” which will meet in the room next to “Crackberries Anonymous.” She will need to allow enough time for both sessions. Love you mom and hey, I do give you major kudos for keeping up with society! It’s very impressive.
I hope each of you find time in your week to highlight the good things!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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